Sustainability Basics

What is sustainability/sustainable living?

--Sustainability describes a lifestyle in which an individual or group works to reduce their impact on the environment and use of the earth’s resources. It also means striving to use resources in a way that won’t negatively impact future generations and can be sustained indefinitely.

Why live sustainably?

--The climate crisis is becoming increasingly dire. While systemic changes on both the national and international level are crucial to solving the climate crisis, personal lifestyle changes are also an important aspect. Many people practicing sustainability imperfectly have a bigger impact than one person practicing it perfectly. Also, over time you can save a lot of money by making sustainable changes in your life!

What are the pillars of sustainability?

--Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. In that order. Focus first on places in your life that you can reduce your consumption of earth’s resources, especially single use items. Then, work on reusing items as much as possible--either by acquiring reusable items or finding new uses for single use items. Finally, recycle whatever you can once you are done with it.

Where to start?

--Beginning to live a more sustainable lifestyle may seem daunting, but it is really just a series of small changes. Here are some great places to start:

  1. Reduce consumption. Two phrases to live by, “if I don’t need it, don’t buy it” and “quality over quantity.”

  2. Swap out disposable items with reusable alternatives. We recognize that in COVID times this isn’t always possible, but do it where you can--like a metal water bottle instead of single-use plastic water bottles.

  3. Compost--more to come on this!

  4. Eat more plants and less meat. When you do eat meat, make sure it comes from a local farmer. (We stock some local meat items at the RWCoop)

  5. Shop small and local, like at your neighborhood co-op! *wink*

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